SFC - Saudi Fisheries Company
SFC stands for Saudi Fisheries Company
Here you will find, what does SFC stand for in Maritime under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Saudi Fisheries Company? Saudi Fisheries Company can be abbreviated as SFC What does SFC stand for? SFC stands for Saudi Fisheries Company. What does Saudi Fisheries Company mean?The Saudi Arabia based company is located in Dammam, Eastern Province engaged in fishery industry.
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Alternative definitions of SFC
- Student For Christ
- Space Forecast Center
- System File Checker
- System File Checker
- Sergeant First Class
- System File Checker
- Sequential Function Chart
- Specific Fuel Consumption
View 225 other definitions of SFC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SCIE Social Care Institute for Excellence
- SMCPL Sun Metals Corporation Pty Ltd
- SPICI Superior Printing Ink Co. Inc.
- SBDC Small Business Development Center
- SFR Sticky Fingers Restaurants
- SB Super de Boer
- SM The Source Magazine
- SFTA San Francisco Travel Association
- SACC St. Andrews Country Club
- SS Source for Sports
- SMT Sous Mon Toit
- SGS Stephen Gaynor School
- SNMH Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital
- SADTF South Australian Department of Treasury and Finance
- SAPG Swiss Arabian Perfumes Group
- SJSA Sales de Jujuy S.A.
- SDIIC SDI International Corp